The Parker Project is my attempt to react to everything I consume in the way of media.

I will be writing reactions to every TV show I watch, movie I see, performance I attend, book I read, comic or graphic novel I look at, etcetera.

In the case of long works like novels I’ll also be writing reactions as I go.  This will show my thoughts up to whatever page I’m on.  This is a way to capture thoughts about creative works in a way we don’t often find in standard reviewing.

I’ll also be sharing my thoughts on longer collections of serial media.  I’ll review story arcs that span multiple comics or TV episodes, seasons, or whole series.

Some of my reactions will be blunt, terse, and maybe even flippant.  But they will always be my honest reactions.

This will allow my readers to have more specific feedback on what’s out there, getting constantly current feelings about ongoing series.  And it will allow insight into how a viewer’s/reader’s opions change as a piece progresses.

                                                                                                                        – Parker Barrow