Posts Tagged ‘colbert report’

Colbert Report – 2009.04.06

colbert_100x100Johnny Carson didn’t die. He just changed his name to Tom Brokaw.

OK, maybe I’m exaggerating, but it would be interesting to see Brokaw take over The Tonight Show once he moves into the next phase of his career. He’s always shown that sly charm that would work very well in that setting. I know some of that is what’s been required due to falling ratings in network news. But he takes to it like a natural.

And you might wonder why I’m not suggesting Mr. Colbert for the job insted. I like him right where he is for now. And when Stephen does move on from this show I hope he will change to a new character. I’m sure it’s fun now, but it would be sad to spend an entire career in a role like this, even if it is a wonderfully well crafted and nuanced one.

Colbert Report – 2009.04.02

colbert_100x100This was another solid episode. But there wasn’t much to make it stand out.

Stephen shows again that he has become very comfortable and natural in his character and can just “live” in this role. But maybe it’s become too comfortable for him.

His repartee with the founder of Twitter was great. He kept it at just the right level of taunting. And pulling out his phone to twitter while the guy was talking, then asking “Oh, I’m sorry. Is this rude?” was the highlight of the show.
